First Quarter Stewardship Update

We are deeply grateful for your commitment that supports the ministry of Westminster.

At the January Congregational Meeting, our members approved a balanced budget for 2021 of $1,390,530.  With your generous and faithful support, we will be able to meet our budget. Again, thank you!  As of March 31, we can report the following:

  • Pledges and gifts: $298,019.00
  • Other income: $16,426.00
  • Total Income: $314,445.00
  • Expenses: $334,437.00
  • Net: ($19,992.00)

There are real stories behind these numbers.  God is showing up in numerous ways among us!

  • Our youth are gathering in a variety of ways to heal, to grow together, to find God, and to lead us in worship. Hosannah!
  • Our faith formation leaders are creatively offering Zoom and email gathering spaces for us to meet each other and to meet God where we’re at.
  • Our Children’s Ministry team is providing creative online worship experiences for our young ones.
  • Our Deacon’s Ministry team faithfully sends cards to those among us who are grieving or struggling.
  • Our Tech Team has worked tirelessly to provide digital connection and livestream worship so we can stay connected in worship and gatherings.

There are many more stories to be shared—stories where God showed up in your life, in my life, and in our lives together as members at Westminster.  These stories can’t happen without the generous and faithful financial support from all of us.  Thank you for helping to make these stories a reality.

With deep gratitude,

Cheryl Bremer, Elder for Stewardship